How to deal with dependence on smartphones and the Internet

For many of us, electronic devices become like a continuation of the body, and disconnecting from the network is becoming more and more difficult. If, having come to the store or to work, we find that we left the smartphone at home, then we often experience quite tangible anxiety. Alarm and depression specialist Tin Arnoldi – what to do with it.

Most of us most likely understand that spending too much time on the Internet is harmful. Having become the most important part of modern culture, information technologies and means of communication can have a negative impact on our mental health and well -being.

But, alas, this habit, like any other, is often very difficult to get rid of.

If you have realized that gadgets and the Internet began to play too much role in your life, these five steps will help you gradually cope with addiction.

1. Do not start the day by checking mail

As soon as you wake up, you should not immediately open a letter about the next workshop or read a reminder of the expired payment – so you run the risk of spoiling your mood before the start of the day. Instead, spend the morning calmly and relaxed – for example, walking, doing yoga or meditating.

2. Leave the phone in the car

Personally, I can afford to skip some calls and letters while I go on a supermarket. There are no responsibilities in

Nu vă păstrați – pentru că bărbaților nu le place atunci când o femeie tace în pat. Dar nu merită să te înșele, nici o viagra online iubită, adică suspinând fotografia atunci când nu -ți place ceva. Expuneți emoțiile și dorințele, încurajați -o cu observațiile: „Da, atunci”, „din nou!”. Va surprinde ceea ce face totul, pentru plăcerea ta generală.

my life that would demand from me to be in touch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I understand that your situation can be different – and yet, leaving a smartphone in the car, you get rid of yourself from temptation to start thoughtlessly leafing through pages on the Internet, standing in line. Instead, you can observe what is happening around and, who knows, maybe even chat with new people.

3. Block your accounts

Imagine an expression of your face! The very idea that you can not go into social networks every day may seem like a wild. But, mind you, I advise you not to delete, namely to block the pages and accounts – you can activate them again when such a need appears.

I often block my profile on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) for the reason that it does not bring me any benefit. The time spent on this site does not bring me closer to the implementation of my goals, but only allows me to be distracted from reality. At the same time, reading comments and notes often only spoils the mood. I don’t know how you are, but I do not want to clog my head with a negative and unnecessary information.

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