“Crazy wanderings through the night” Walter Merce

No, these are not comics, as one might

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think, looking at the name of the author – the artist who became famous in this genre. This is a book, the plot of which is built on the engravings of Gustav Dore and tells of a fantastic story, as if what happened to. Dorea himself.

Perhaps this is the most unusual book for teenagers that we have in our hands. The author, a cult German comixer artist, did not draw a single picture to this book. Having taken the famous Gustav Dorea engravings – illustrations for the “frantic Roland”, “Don Quixote”, “Gargantua”, “Lost Paradise” – Merce composed a new story about … Dorea himself. The 12-year-old future artist finds himself in the world of nightmares-among terrible monsters, stupid giants, beautiful and dangerous girls. Face to face with death and madness, having visited the bottom of the sea and on the moon, he is a real initiation. At the end of the book, the hero will wake up, and the reader may find his way through the kingdom of mysterious fantasies. which are sometimes so similar to life.

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